The Twible
All the Chapters of the Bible in
140 Characters or Less…
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You’ve wanted to read the Bible, but it’s über-long and, let’s face it, sometimes boring. You’re a busy person with stuff to do. You want the Bible, only funnier. And shorter. Enter The Twible, which brings you every chapter as tweeted in 140 characters or less, from Genesis to Revelation!
Find out what the Bible says you’re supposed to do if a friend starts worshiping another god, your child disrespects you in public, or you break the Sabbath. (The answers to those dilemmas are to stone your friend, stone your child, and stone yourself. In that order.) Learn where Paul swears in the New Testament, and why Jeremiah could benefit from antidepressants. From start to finish, The Twible brings the Bible to wonderful, wicked, weird life. Inside The Twible you’ll find:
• A tweet for each of the 1,189 chapters of the Bible
• A summary of every book of the Bible in seven words or less
• Dozens of informative sidebars
• More than 50 original cartoons
• A glossary telling you who’s who in the Bible
• Unicorns
Jana Riess blogs for Religion News Service and is the author of many books, including Flunking Sainthood: A Year of Breaking the Sabbath, Forgetting to Pray, and Still Loving My Neighbor, named by Publishers Weekly as one of the top ten religion books of 2011. She has a Master of Divinity degree from Princeton Theological Seminary and a Ph.D. from Columbia University. She wonders if maybe The Twible is the book that will guarantee her room reservation in hell.